Dear All,
Well, it has all come to an end. Today was a pretty dope
day. Since the zone broke the baptisms record last month. we asked special
permission to have a super cool activity. So we ordered two 28" pizzas and
bought some fried snacks and watched "Buscando a Dory" on the ward
projector. Don't ask how we got ahold of it, suffice it to say in Tijuana you
can get whatever you want for less than a dollar usually ;) haha it was super
sketchy but way cool. If you haven't seen it yet, it was pretty good. Or maybe
it wasn't and I just haven't seen a movie in two years to compare it haha yeah
it's probably that.
I am glad to say that I feel very satisfied with the work
that I have done. I have done my best, and I know that even though I leave the
mission, the work that I started here hasn't come to an end. President Garcia
says that the mission is like a river. (I always think of that dumb song from
Napoleon Dynamite "Some say love, it is a river...") and that it's
always changing and moving and we are just little droplets floating along until
it's our turn to leave and help in another part of God's vineyard. There is a
quote from M. Russel Ballard that I have in the front of my scriptures that
says "Debemos estar anhelosamente consagrados a la obra misional antes,
durante, y despues de nuestro servicio misional." That's the key. Know
that even though the callings or the circumstances may change, the covenants to
serve and to consecrate ourselves are still in play. I had the opportunity to go
with Miguel to the temple this week when he recieved his endowment. What a
special opportunity, and I learned a lot from being there.
I am ready to come home. It's time to go on to even bigger
and better things.
Quiero terminar con mi testimonio. Es algo que atesoro y que
mas valor tiene para mi. Se, sin ninguna duda, que Jesucristo vive. El esta a
la diestra del Padre y ellos estan a la cabeza de esta gran obra. Lehi dijo,
"Todas las cosas han sido hechas segun la sabiduria de aquel que todo lo
sabe." Testifico de eso. Al acercarnos a el, aprendemos que nosotros
desempeñamos una parte muy pequeña en todo esto. Nuestro Padre y Jesucristo se
le aparecieron al joven profeta Jose Smith, y desde alli ha habido comunicacion
directa entre Dios y un Profeta viviente. Las escrituras son el registro de esa
comunicacion y nos dirigiran para bien el la medida que las leamos y
apliquemos. El Sacerdocio es el poder de Dios y obra milagros. Nuestras
oraciones son contestadas. La vida no se acaba con la muerte. Lo se y se lo
testifico en el nombre de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo, Amen.
Nos vemos el martes :)
Los quiero mucho,
Elder Rawlings
Translation (from google translate)
I want to end my testimony. It is something that I cherish and more worth to me. It is , no doubt , that Jesus Christ lives . He is at the right hand of the Father and they are at the head of this great work. Lehi said , "All things have been done in the wisdom of one who knows everything . " I testify that. As we approach the , we learn that we play a very small part in this. Our Father and Jesus Christ appeared to the boy prophet Joseph Smith , and since there has been no direct communication between God and a living prophet . Scripture is the record of that communication and direct us for good measure that the read and apply . The priesthood is the power of God works miracles . Our prayers are answered. Life does not end with death . I know and I testify in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen .
See you on Tuesday :)
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