Jenson entered the MTC (Missionary Training Center) in Provo, Utah on September 3rd, 2014. One of the hardest parts of letting him go, is not having the daily contact with him that we have grown accustomed to. We are anxiously awaiting his first letter/email home and excited to learn a little of his life at the MTC. We do know he arrived safely and are so grateful for Grandpa and Grandma Litster for taking him to the MTC. We are also so grateful for ALL the family members who supported Jenson and came to his open house in Utah. Thought you might enjoy a few pictures from his last moments before entering the MTC.
At the Atlanta Airport, final goodbye with his brother and sisters
Grandma fed him well for his last "home cooked meal" for a while
On his way to the MTC
Entering the MTC
Goodbye Grandpa
And he is off....
So hard waiting for that first letter! I love the blog - what a great idea. :)